If you’re heading out the door for the holidays this year, make sure that your home is secure before you leave. While double-checking the locks on the doors and windows should be at the top of your checklist, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide to help remind you of all the other things you should do to keep your home safe while you’re traveling. 

3 Ways to Secure Your Home Before a Holiday Trip

Home security is your top priority while you’re traveling for the holidays. While you may not be able to monitor every corner of your home 24/7, there are some things you can do before you leave home. Follow these helpful tips to ensure that your home and possessions stay safe while you’re gone. 

Put Outdoor Lights on a Timer

If you’ve taken the time to string outdoor lighting for the end-of-the-year festivities and you want to display them while you’re away, plug them into a timer. This can either be a solar timer that’s attached to your existing landscape lights, or a new timer that’s specific to your holiday lights. Outdoor holiday light strands tend to get hot if left on for long periods of time, increasing the chance of an accidental fire. By keeping them on a timer that turns them on at dusk and off at dawn, the risk of overheating is reduced significantly. 

Leave an Indoor Light Illuminated

Depending on how long your trip is this year, make a mental note to leave on an indoor light, or sync them to their own timer. If you have a smart home system, you can use your phone to turn on a light in the kitchen or a bedroom to give the appearance that someone is at home. Unwanted guests will be less likely to scope out your home if they think someone is in the house. If you’re leaving a pet at home, turn on the light in the living room or in the room where they’re staying, as this can help them feel more secure.

Inform Your Neighbors

While it’s best to not promote your empty house or to post on social media while taking your holiday vacation, it is wise to check in with your neighbors. Give them a heads up that you’ll be heading out of town for a few days and ask them to keep an eye on your home. Provide them with a list of emergency contact numbers if they don’t already have your cell phone. If you don’t have neighbors, ask a friend to check in on your home periodically while you’re away. You’ll appreciate the update and will be able to enjoy your vacation knowing your home is left in good hands. 

But if you’re not traveling this holiday season, is your home the destination for your friends and family? Make sure that your holiday party is ready, and that your landscaping is manicured and clean. Give the lawn experts at Green Acres Landscape a call before you hang your outdoor holiday decor. They even specialize in event staging and can help residents around Salem, OR, prepare for the best holiday party on their block. To schedule an appointment, give us a call today at (503) 399-8066. 

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