Who doesn’t want a flourishing flower garden in their backyard? These gardens add something special to the overall environment of your home and can make you happy. Gardening is also a great hobby and will ensure you and your family spends some much needed time outdoors in the sun. Unfortunately, homeowners are often intimidated by gardens. They believe that these spaces require a lot of time, attention, and effort to maintain.

Traditional gardens can be a challenge for busy homeowners but that doesn’t mean you should give up on that dream entirely. You can install low maintenance gardens in your backyard. These structures are easy to build, affordable, and easy to maintain. You can also plant low maintenance flower beds in these small gardens.


Low Maintenance Flower Beds


A traditional flower bed is placed directly on your backyard. You choose a corner that offers the best view and receives ample sunlight for your garden. These flower beds are difficult to maintain because they’re vulnerable to pests, can’t hold roots easily, require excessive water, and have to deal with erosion. Low maintenance flower beds don’t require as much attention. Here are some you can install in your garden:

  1. Collection Of Planters – Planters are available in different shapes, designs, colors, and sizes. You can buy them from your local gardening store and place them anywhere on your property. These compact but resilient items are great for all kinds of flowering plants and don’t require as much maintenance as a full flower bed. All you need to do is fill the planters with a good combination of mulch, fertile soil, and compost before you add the plants to them. The planters will also add a unique design element to your backyard.
  2. Raised Bed – Some flowering plants require more space to grow and won’t thrive in small planters. You can construct a raised bed in your backyard to support these plants. All you need to do is to build a wooden frame of your desired size, line it with wire mesh at the bottom, and place it on the ground in your backyard. You need to add good quality soil to the frame before you plant your flowers in the bed.
  3. Garden Ladder Planter – This is a great alternative idea for people who don’t have enough space for a flat flower bed. The garden ladder planter looks like a ladder and had small planters on each step. You can create a collection of small vertical gardens and save some space. This is ideal for people with smaller backyards or people who want to add some color and greenery to their decks and patios.


Low Maintenance Plants For Flower Beds


Just installing a low maintenance flower bed isn’t enough. You should install low maintenance plants as well. Some flowering plants require care, attention, and the right garden environment. These flowering plants are also more vulnerable to pests and therefore difficult to maintain. Here are some garden plants that look beautiful but don’t require much attention:

  1. Sedum – Sedum is a fuss-free perennial that you can trust to bloom every spring. The beautiful star-shaped blooms will remain in your garden until late fall and the plant will remerge early in the spring. This plant also attracts a lot of butterflies, which can add to the beauty of your garden.
  2. Agastache – If you’re concerned about water conservation and live in a desert-like environment, you should consider this plant. Agastache is drought-tolerant so it doesn’t require much water. It’s also much more resilient compared to some of the other plants on this list. This species offers blooms in a number of colors, including pink, orange, purple, red, and blue. You can just plant a combination of all these varieties in your garden.
  3. Coreopsis – This is another plant that loves dry conditions and doesn’t require as much water. If you live in a warm region, you will love these colorful and simple flowers. Coreopsis comes in a variety of colors including golden yellow, red, pink, and orange.
  4. Erigeron Karvinskianus – Also known as Santa Barbara daisy, this easy-to-grow and easy to maintain plant is ideal for borders. The blooms are soft white and pink with yellow centers. They’re also tiny and plentiful so they’ll add a softness and charm to your garden.
  5. French Lavender – Aromatic plants are a great addition to any garden and lavender is the perfect choice. The soft-colored blooms are pretty to look at and will fill your garden with a mild fragrance. You can also pluck these blooms and store them in a vase in your room. Lavender will help you sleep better and has a number of medicinal properties so there’s no reason why you can’t plant this species in your garden. Lavender is perennial and doesn’t require much water or care.
  6. Penstemon – This plant is also known as Beard Tongue and produces very pretty bell-shaped flowers. The species provides different color varieties but the deep purple one is particularly beautiful and very popular with gardening enthusiasts. This plant doesn’t have a long lifespan but if does provide a large number of blooms in a short period of time.
  7. Pasque Flower – This plant is relatively unknown so you won’t find it in many gardens. However, its low maintenance as it doesn’t require much water or care. The plant also offers unique and interesting blooms of vivid purple with yellow centers. The flowers will appear in early spring and bloom throughout the season. Once the petals fall off, the bright yellow seed head will remain for weeks, which makes this a very interesting and unique plant for any garden.

As you can see, you have no reason to be intimidated by gardens. A combination of low maintenance beds and flowering plants will allow you to create something interesting and beautiful. These gardens are ideally suited for busy homeowners who still want to have a thriving garden on their property.

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